‘Free’ Guy

Here’s another movie I started watching because I wanted to watch something which would be funny without involving a lot of thinking. Since Prime Video is becoming that platform which none of us like, I picked this up on Hotstar. (How dare they put the Harry Potter series behind an additional pay wall? Thought no one would notice?)

Directed by Shawn Levy and starring Ryan Reynolds, Jodie Comer, Lil Rel Howery, and Taika Waititi, the movie is centred in the universe of the videogame Free City. With my limited knowledge and experience of video games, this game seems like the GTA game series. One is free to do anything to rack up points—loot banks, steal cars, commandeer helicopters, kill people. Encapsulated well in Guy’s introductory dialogue – the laws are more like suggestions for people in sunglasses. And Guy himself is a bank teller in the universe. His routine is wishing his goldfish ‘Good Morning’, dressing up in the same attire each day, and heading to the bank with a coffee on the way. He is a Non-Playable Character (NPC) in the universe, a mere prop in his universe.

At its core, the movie traces the journey of self discovery and empowerment of Guy, who transforms from a mere prop, an oblivious bystander, to the protagonist. From someone who was not noticed to an internet sensation and an idol for many. With Ryan Reynolds leading the road, the journey is obviously funny and witty, with equal parts action and adventure in the mix.

*May contain spoilers ahead* Those interested in watching the movie are recommended to watch before reading ahead.

Like so many of us, Guy is initially stuck in a loop. Same routine each day, with a void in his life. And then he meets someone, who inspires him to take action. This is where his life turns, and this is where he differs from both of us. He takes the action. Despite uncertainties, despite not knowing what kind of life lay ahead, he embarks on a new path. He even encourages his best friend, Buddy, to take the leap. But he is too scared. This, first part, of getting out of his ‘comfort zone’ is where he takes the road less travelled by.

Next, what action does he take? Well, whom he meets is a girl. And of course, she sets him a challenge to prove his credentials. Here, he takes the road not at all travelled by. While everyone in the game considers the Free City to be a lawless land, where crimes are rewarded instead of punished, Guy respects the laws. He levels up, and fast, by upholding the laws and helping the victims. Here, he becomes an internet sensation. And then, when he meets the girl, he does something else so many of us are afraid to do—he opens up and is vulnerable. This is another threshold that many of us are afraid to cross. He does. And what he finds on the other side of it is acceptance. Granted, he does have it easy, being an AI programme specifically designed to be looking for the girl he eventually clicks with, while we have to live life with trial-and-error. Yet, the point remains. To begin with, he doesn’t know any of this, nor does she.

Further, there is the dimension of artificial intelligence, intellectual property, and the meaning of life and death when AI becomes a reality. In the real world, Antwan, the proprietor of the Free City gaming universe, reboots the system when he feels Guy’s freewill is interfering with his aims. He doesn’t like Guy’s rapid progression through the game through subversion of the very foundation of the game—violence and lawlessness. He is a good guy and he is rising up the ladder in his universe. Oh how many of us would like to live in such a world! The rebooting, memory refresh, and eventual attempt at destroying the entire server would further lead to the question of Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Life and whether damage to this would qualify as any kind of ‘homicide’? What if the damage is caused by the proprietor herself? It has the potential to raise questions similar to the right to life of the mother vs. the foetus in abortion debates, although with much less emotional content, I suppose.

Last, but not least, is the choice the original game developers make. They choose to save the characters and the intelligence and sensibilities that they developed while in the game, rather than claiming a hefty settlement in court, for unauthorised use of their intellectual product. This is a departure from the usual trend. This goes on to show that the developers do get attached to their creation, even though it is artificial intelligence, just as they would to real life.

And the final one, I promise. Sucker for understanding and mature communication that I am, how could I skip Guy’s last dialogue? ‘Yes, you developed this world, but you can’t live your life in it.’ Also, the one where he claims to be ‘a love letter from someone whose author is out there in the real world.’ Oh, to have such letters of love written to oneself, in any language, even that of 0’s and 1’s.

Concluding, this is a light-hearted, witty, funny and action-packed movie is one I would recommend watching on a day when you don’t want to apply your mind in the enjoyment you experience. Just like Guy found his free will in Free City to become ‘Free Guy’, maybe it is time we exercised ours and became free from the many burdens that weigh us down, the many burdens that are not ours to carry. And also the many burdens that maybe were once ours, but now it is time to let them go. Count this as your sign to start letting go and becoming Free! Until next time.

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